Sunday, January 25, 2015

"Alternative Medical Device" Designers, Engineers, Inventors - Do you want to network?

Are there any Alternative/Complementary (CAM) device groups, conferences, associations, etc. - networking with each other, sharing best practices, etc.?

I'd like to network and learn specifically from the technical people involved in making CAM devices.  They might be engineers, researchers, scientists, doctors who make devices, inventors, anyone who uses the Placebo Effect in their devices.

I see great untapped potential in "enhancing the Placebo Effect", particularly with the use of devices, e.g. pain relief, anxiety reducers, depression boosters, healing machines, psychoneuroimmunology, etc.

Alternative Medicine (CAM) is big now and is growing, both in the U.S. and worldwide.  There must be technical people designing CAM devices out there (engineers, designers, technicians, etc.)  These technical people must have a good understanding of the Placebo Effect to make devices that "look and sound like they heal or comfort".

These devices might be viewed by some as Quack Medical Devices and, yet, by others as a "miracle cure" or as a "comfort measure", especially for chronic health conditions.

Inasmuch as Pharmaceutical Companies make use the Placebo Effect, methinks the conventional Medical Device Industry also makes use of the Placebo, too, though I can't find many references.

Here are some examples of what I'm talking about - CAM Medical Devices -


Do medical devices have enhanced placebo effects?


Placebo responses to medical device therapy for pain.



I didn't find much in the way of (CAM) device groups, conferences, associations, etc. - but maybe someday.


Homeopathy - National Center for Complementary an

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Me

Program in Placebo Studies & Therapeutic Encounter (


Energy Medicine | Foundation for Alternative and Integr


What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine ...


ICMBPS 2015 - TheIIER Home


National Society of Medical Scientists (NSMS)


Medical Devices Meetup Groups - Meetup


The Placebo Effect Team |


This app lets you create personalized placebo effects t


The rebranding of CAM as “harnessing the power of pl


NYU Alumni Magazine: Patient, Heal Thyself


I'm an Engineer, get me out of here - St Benedicts Sc


Search for Placebo Effect | Stanford Profiles


Placebo Effect - The Power of Belief | Keith R. Holden, 


Biology for Engineers - Page 468 - Google Books Result


Math revealed Placebo Effect | Engineering Expert


Designing the ultimate healing technique (Part 1: Occa


Fundamentals of complementary and alternative medici

Here's my search strings -

(alliance OR consortium OR coalition OR union OR league OR guild OR syndicate OR federation OR confederation OR confederacy OR conglomerate OR cooperative OR partnership OR affiliation OR organization OR club OR society OR congress OR meetup)

(alternative OR complementary) (therapy OR medicine OR health) (devices OR machines OR apparatus) (alternative OR complementary) (therapy OR medicine OR health) (devices OR machines OR apparatus) (alliance OR consortium OR coalition OR union OR league OR guild OR syndicate OR federation OR confederation OR confederacy OR conglomerate OR cooperative OR partnership OR affiliation OR organization OR club OR society OR congress OR meetup)

(((alternative OR complementary) AROUND(2) (therapy OR medicine OR health)) AROUND(5) (devices OR machines OR apparatus))) (engineers OR scientists OR researchers)

((alternative OR complementary) AROUND(2) (therapy OR medicine OR health) AROUND(5) (devices OR machines OR apparatus)) (engineers OR designers)

(designer OR engineer) AROUND(5) placebo effect

engineer AROUND(5) "alternative medical devices"

engineer AROUND(5) "complementary medical devices"

"reverse engineer" AROUND(50) "placebo effect"

 (designer OR engineer) "placebo effect"

Comments?  Got any suggestions?  

Disclaimer - Article is for information only and is not medical advice.

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